Trends to watch for in temporary corporate housing in 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the corporate housing market along with the rest of the real estate industry. However, as we approach the end of the pandemic and things are starting to settle down, temporary corporate housing is picking up again. But the pandemic has changed the environment and clients have different expectations than what they were looking for in a corporate apartment back in March 2020. The desire for comfort remains but is now outranked by safety concerns and the need to make the home a comfortable place for work as well. Here are a few trends to watch for in temporary corporate housing from the pandemic, that are here to stay.
Investment in automation
The pandemic has highlighted the need for automation ever than before. The booking process and the day-to-day business of maintenance need to involve less human interaction. Corporate housing providers need to adopt technical innovations such as instant booking and self-service check-in and check-out. These measures will impact your clients. To improve the running of your business, you also need to automate processes. You will need to invest in property management software. All of this will help you keep track of bookings, maintenance requests, and solve requests much faster and more efficiently. Plus, you should think about automating youre rentals. Replace the old appliances with smart ones and you should definitely install smart door locks.
Designer furnishings
It’s time to scale up the furnishings. People spent a lot of time at home over the past year. Which resulted in redecorating and paying more for design and furniture. We splurged more on home design in the months we were forced to stay indoors. We’ve also acquired a taste for finer furniture and decorations. People who are relocating for work and choose the option of temporary corporate housing will have the same expectations from their rentals. If you are a corporate housing provider in a place such as Luxembourg City, you need to put your hands in your pockets and start redecorating. There, the competition is fierce at the higher end of the market. Work with a professional designer to choose the new furniture and to rearrange the layout of the corporate apartment that you are offering for rent. Both individual clients and relocation agencies that are looking for bespoke apartments for their clients will notice the change and will consider you for their stay in Luxembourg. New design and furniture will definitely make your offer stand out!
Put a home office in
When it comes to home design and furnishings probably the greatest inheritance of the pandemic will be the home office furniture. For months we were forced to work from home. Now, when we can go back to the office, many of us still prefer to work from the comfort of home. If back in March 2020, people rushed to turn whatever corner of their house was available into a makeshift office. At the end of 2021 they have higher expectations from their home workspace. A corporate housing provider caters mainly to professionals relocating for work. It makes sense to invest in a designated workspace in your rentals. Given a choice, you can turn one of the spare bedrooms into an office. Even in the case of smaller apartments, you should set up a separate workspace with hideaway furniture and fold-up desks. This way, your clients will be able to work from home comfortably. And would not feel cramped when it’s time to unplug.
To conclude
The pandemic has changed forever the way we live. It has also changed the corporate housing industry. People want to feel at home in their short-term corporate apartments and also need to be able to work from home. Invest in automation, designer furnishings, and a workspace and you will be set for a successful business in 2022. If you want to learn more about trends to watch for in temporary corporate housing in Luxembourg City, don’t hesitate to contact us.